IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Problems and Solutions Essay - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Problems and Solutions Essay - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: The problems of Online learning for School Children and some solutions

Below is a standard IELTS Writing Task 2 question. Among the five main types of essays in Writing Section 2, the essay format where a problem(s) is suggested, and a solution(s) must be proposed is particularly common in the Academic module. This essay structure requires the writer to identify some specific problems within the overall framework theme of the essay question and then offer solutions. There are 2 approaches to this type of essay. One is where you use 1 body paragraph to elucidate and expand on the problems and then a 2-body paragraph to give you solutions. The second approach is to combine the problem and related solution in the same body paragraph, aiming for 3 paragraphs (and so 3 problems and solutions) in total. The model answer provided serves as an example of a high-scoring response, typically achieving band scores of 8 to 9. Later in the blog, we'll conduct a detailed analysis that breaks down the essay into its components. Towards the end, there will be a focus on expanding your lexical resource, along with an exercise to practice incorporating new vocabulary effectively


Essay question

Online learning has led to a decline in students' development of interpersonal skills. What are the causes of this problem, and what solutions can be implemented to address it?

Model Answer

Online learning is very popular in schools. However, whilst providing flexibility and access to an abundance of resources, online learning also presents significant challenges in developing important interpersonal skills, such as teamwork, socialization, and emotional development. The obstacles to personal development can be overcome by implementing a number of solutions.

Initially, an absence of face-to-face communication when online is a big challenge to personal development. In the classroom, children interact spontaneously, both verbally and non-verbally, which is needed for developing social skills. Teachers should use interactive and collaborative resources in their lesson plans. Breakout rooms and forums can be encouraged and these help mitigate the fallout from online study.

Furthermore, when interacting online, the number of group activities is reduced. In an actual classroom, group activities and cooperation enhance teamwork and empathy. But online study hinders students from working naturally with each other. The challenges of online education should now be a standard module that teachers should study during their teacher training courses. This focus is just as important as the focus on learning how to teach the hard skills.

Finally, the mental health of students is another challenge. The sense of isolation by studying online impacts further on their social behavior. Face-to-face sessions directed at training of interpersonal skills should be timetabled at school. A mentor programme also encourages a sense of community and offers a social learning environment

Ultimately, the genie is out of the bottle and online learning has arrived. On accepting this inevitability, schools must offer an antidote. Solutions include online tools and resources for socializing, focusing on social skills and teaching methodologies during teacher training, and finally, creating space in the school timetable to accommodate the skills essential for a balanced education. The motto should be “Less hard study, more soft skills.” 

297 words

Analysis and Guidelines for the Essay – Online Lessons – Problems and Solutions


  • Paraphrase the essay topic: The essay discusses the popularity and challenges of online learning in schools, emphasizing its impact on interpersonal skills development.

Topic Sentence:

"Online learning is now very popular in schools."

  • 👆Purpose: Establishes the prevalence and significance of online learning as the main focus of discussion.

"However, whilst providing flexibility and access to an abundance of resources, online learning also presents significant challenges in developing important interpersonal skills, such as teamwork, socialization, and emotional development."

  • 👆Purpose: Sets up the dual nature of online learning—benefits (flexibility, resource accessibility) versus challenges (impact on interpersonal skills).

"The obstacles to personal development can be overcome by implementing a number of solutions."

  • 👆Purpose: Signals a shift towards discussing potential solutions to the challenges posed by online learning.



Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: Introduces the challenge of lack of face-to-face communication and its impact on personal development.

"An absence of face-to-face communication when online is a big challenge to personal development."

  • 👆Purpose: Identifies a significant challenge of online learning—lack of face-to-face communication—and its impact on personal development.

"In the classroom, children interact spontaneously, both verbally and non-verbally, which is needed for developing social skills."

  • 👆Purpose: Compares face-to-face classroom interactions with online learning, emphasizing the importance of spontaneous interactions for social skill development.

"Teachers should use interactive and collaborative resources in their lesson plans."

  • 👆Purpose: Proposes a solution—incorporating interactive and collaborative tools in teaching to simulate face-to-face interactions.



Body Paragraph 2:

Topic Sentence: Discusses the reduction in group activities and its impact on teamwork and empathy development.

"When interacting online, the number of group activities is reduced."

  • 👆Purpose: Highlights a challenge of online learning—reduced opportunities for group activities—and its impact on teamwork skills development.

"In an actual classroom, group activities and cooperation enhance teamwork and empathy."

  • 👆Purpose: Contrasts online learning with traditional classrooms, emphasizing the benefits of group activities for developing essential interpersonal skills.

"The challenges of online education should now be a standard module that teachers should study during their teacher training courses."

  • 👆Purpose: Advocates for integrating the challenges of online education into teacher training programs to equip educators with strategies for overcoming these challenges.



Body Paragraph 3:

Topic Sentence: Proposes solutions to mitigate the challenges of online learning and enhance interpersonal skills development.

"The mental health of students is another challenge."

  • 👆Purpose: Introduces another significant challenge of online learning—its potential impact on students' mental health.

"The sense of isolation by studying online impacts further on their social behavior."

  • 👆Purpose: Expands on the previous point, highlighting how the isolation of online learning can affect students' social behavior negatively.

"Face-to-face sessions directed at training of interpersonal skills should be timetabled at school."

  • 👆Purpose: Proposes a solution—scheduling face-to-face sessions specifically aimed at training interpersonal skills to counteract the social isolation of online learning.




  • Summary of Main Ideas: Summarizes the key points discussed in the essay, emphasizing the challenges and solutions related to online learning and interpersonal skills development.

"The moto should be 'Less hard study, more soft skills.'"

  • 👆Purpose: Concludes with a memorable statement, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the development of soft skills alongside academic rigor in education.



Overall Analysis:

  • Structure and Coherence: The essay follows a logical structure with clear topic sentences introducing each main idea. It maintains coherence by exploring both the challenges and solutions of online learning in developing interpersonal skills.
  • Supporting Details: Specific examples and details (e.g., lack of face-to-face communication, reduced group activities) are used effectively to support arguments throughout the essay, enhancing credibility and clarity.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and reinforces the importance of integrating face-to-face interactions to counteract the challenges posed by online learning. It aligns with the overall theme of balancing academic and soft skill development.

Overall, your essay effectively discusses the impact of online learning on interpersonal skills development, presenting a balanced view with well-developed arguments and clear organization, following the structure and style you've used previously.


Vocabulary Practice

Learn the words below in bold and what their synonyms below mean. Try to think of an antonym. Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below:

Flexibility - adaptability, versatility

Abundance - plenty, copiousness

Mitigate - alleviate, lessen

Spontaneously - impulsively, instinctively

Interactive - participatory, collaborative

Cooperation - collaboration, teamwork

Isolation - solitude, seclusion

Antidote - remedy, solution

Implementing - executing, applying

Empathy - compassion, understanding

Timetabled - scheduled, planned

Community - society, neighborhood

 Accommodate - accept, adjust

Inevitability - certainty, unavoidability

Versatile - adaptable, multifaceted

Efficiency - effectiveness, productivity

Prioritizing - ranking, ordering

Integration - assimilation, incorporation

Consequences - repercussions, outcomes

Motto - slogan, maxim


Pronunciation Practice

Practice saying the vocabulary below, record your voice on your phone and then compare it using Google voice search. Does Google find the phrase if you speak it? How many does it find out of 20 using your pronunciation

Flexibility - /flɛksɪˈbɪlɪti/ (flek-suh-BIL-i-tee)

Abundance - /əˈbʌndəns/ (uh-BUHN-dəns)

Mitigate - /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ (MIT-i-gayt)

Spontaneously - /spɒnˈteɪnɪəsli/ (spon-TAY-nee-us-lee)

Interactive - /ɪntərˈæktɪv/ (in-ter-AK-tiv)

Cooperation - /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən/ (koh-op-uh-RAY-shən)

Isolation - /aɪsəˈleɪʃən/ (eye-suh-LAY-shən)

Antidote - /ˈæntɪdəʊt/ (AN-ti-dote)

Implementing - /ˈɪmplɪmɛntɪŋ/ (IM-pluh-men-ting)

Empathy - /ˈɛmpəθi/ (EM-puh-thee)

Timetabled - /ˈtaɪmteɪbəld/ (TYM-tay-buhld)

Community - /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ (kuh-MYOO-ni-tee)

Accommodate - /əˈkɒmədeɪt/ (uh-KOM-uh-dayt)

Inevitability - /ɪˌnɛvɪtəˈbɪlɪti/ (in-EV-i-tuh-BIL-i-tee)

Versatile - /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ (VUR-suh-tyl)

Efficiency - /ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ (ih-FISH-uhn-see)

Prioritizing - /praɪˈɒrɪtaɪzɪŋ/ (pry-OR-i-ty-zing)

Integration - /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən/ (in-tuh-GRAY-shən)

Consequences - /ˈkɒnsɪkwənsɪz/ (KON-si-kwens-iz)

Motto - /ˈmɒtəʊ/ (MAH-toh)

These phonetic transcriptions and pronunciation guides should help with understanding how to correctly pronounce each vocabulary word or phrase.


Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Online learning is very popular in schools. However, whilst providing ­­­­­­___________ and access to an ­­­­­­­­­_________ of resources, online learning also presents significant challenges in developing important interpersonal skills, such as teamwork, ______________, and emotional development. The obstacles to personal development can be overcome by _____________ a number of solutions.

Initially, an absence of face-to-face communication when online is a big challenge to personal development. In the classroom, children interact _____________, both verbally and non-verbally, which is needed for developing social skills. Teachers should use interactive and collaborative resources in their lesson plans. Breakout rooms and forums can be ____________ and these help ____________ the fallout from online study.

Furthermore, when interacting online, the number of group ____________ is reduced. In an actual classroom, group activities and cooperation enhance teamwork and __________. But online study _____________ students from working naturally with each other. The challenges of online education should now be a standard module that teachers should study during their teacher training courses. This focus is just as important as the focus on learning how to teach the ______  ________.

Finally, the mental health of students is another challenge. The sense of ________ by studying online impacts further on their social behavior. Face-to-face sessions directed at training of ________ skills should be ___________ at school. A ­­­­_________ programme also encourages a sense of community and offers a social learning environment

Ultimately, the ________ is out of the bottle and online learning has arrived. On accepting this inevitability, schools must offer an _________. Solutions include online tools and resources for socializing, focusing on social skills and teaching ____________ during teacher training, and finally, creating space in the school timetable to ­­­­­____________ the skills essential for a balanced education. The motto should be “Less hard study, more soft skills”  



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Michael Lang

Article by Michael Lang

Published 01 Jul 2024