IELTS in an
Instant for the IELTS Academic and General Training tests

The video course displays a unique approach to all four skill areas needed to successfully pass the IELTS General Training (GT) and Academic tests.

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My lessons are for YOU if

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You are at the high-preintermediate level or above and are looking to improve the knowledge and skills needed to successfully gain a band score of 6.5 or above in the IELTS Academic test.

You are a low-level student whose current level is the equivalent CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) of A1/A2 or low B1, then the courses could help you reach a band score of 4 or 5 in IELTS General Training (GT) for UK visa purposes.

What You will learn

How to score a 4 or above in the IELTS General Training test and a 6.5 or above in the four skill areas of the IELTS Academic test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

  • Lexicological knowledge will widen
  • Grammar will improve
  • Listening and reading skills will expand
  • The correct approach to the speaking test

The teacher who will help you

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Hi. I’m Michael Lang, a native teacher from the UK and I have been teaching English for nearly 15 years. I have taught thousands of students during that time, many of whom have taken IELTS and succeeded in reaching their linguistic goals. I have a BA degree in Russian (so I know how hard it is to learn a foreign language) as well as a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA). My language qualifications include CELTA, LCCI FTBE, and teaching IELTS from Cambridge University.

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My free lesson for YOU

Students’ Testimonials

Having studied general English with Michael for a few years, towards the end of our course of study, I was happy that we focused on Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE). I scored a C2 and so I now speak English as a native might. As a sidebar, I also took an IELTS test, securing a band score of 8.5. It was mainly thanks to Michael's methodology that, despite not preparing specifically for IELTS, I achieved such a high result. They say the right teacher not only shows the student the door, they also open it and help the student across the threshold. With Michael's help I positively sprinted through.

Camila C

I studied with Michael on his "IELTS in an Instant course" for just 4 weeks, taking a total of ten 40-minute lessons. Over that time I managed to increase my score from 5.5 to a band score of 6. My speaking actually moved up a whole point to 6.5. They normally say that it takes 3-6 months of intensive or hard study to improve the band by one point. Michael's course enabled me to do it one-third of the time. The course is short, sharp and hits the target. Highly recommended.

Ilia Y

I enrolled on Michael’s course and studied for 6-months before I took my first IELTS test. I managed to progress from a 5.5-6 to a 7. We then continued studying periodically and not so intensively, and when I sat the test once more I achieved a 7.5, scoring an 8.5 in reading. And my speaking had improved by a whole 2 points to 7. Michael was the right English teacher with the right course, IELTS in an Instant, for me.

Ilya R

It was more than a decade ago that I prepared with Michael for my IELTS test. Using his unique and dedicated approach, I managed to pass my IELTS exam at the required level. It enabled me to enter a business school abroad, where I successfully completed an MBA. Every year I recall our lessons together, and I am heartened to see that he has now recorded the course, IELTS in an Instant, for others to get the same benefits that I

Denis Sh

Early summer 2023, I needed to pass my IELTS with a band score of 5.5. At the beginning, my IELTS score was 3.5 to 4. After having had 2 months of intensive IELTS training with Michael, using the IELTS in an Instant course, as well as other materials, my speaking improved to a band score of 6, and my other skills became considerably better too. Now I am the proud owner of an IELTS certificate with a band score of 5.5 and will enter my university of choice this September. It was hard work but with Michael's encouragement and expertise I made it!!

Timur G

Frequently Asked Questions

The Bundle of IELTS in an Instant runs for a total of about 15 academic hours. There are 4 different listening lessons, 3 various reading lessons, 2 writing lessons and 3 speaking lessons to observe as well as a series of quizzes to answer successfully.
A student will receive a certificate for every lesson that they successfully pass by answering a quiz of 80% or more.
The sample listening lesson is free, so there is no need for a money-back guarantee.
The total time of the course is about 20 hours. A student could cover that in a couple of days or take as long as they need within the 6-months that they have access to the material
Any questions about the course material itself can be sent to the course’s email address. Questions will be answered by return email. There is also an opportunity to have paid live sessions with the course tutor.