Expoting the IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages of Switching to Electric Vehicles. - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

Expoting the IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages of Switching to Electric Vehicles. - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

Below is a standard IELTS Writing Task 2 question. There are five main types of questions for the essay in Writing Section 2. This particular question, a balanced essay where one lists both advantages and disadvantages, is the most common for the General Training module, although it can also appear in the Academic module. The model answer provided can be studied as a response that would receive a high band score of 8 to 9. Further in the blog, you will find a detailed analysis that breaks down the written answer into its component parts. Towards the end, there is a focus on expanding your lexical resource and an exercise to test your ability to use the new vocabulary.

 IELTS Writing Task 2 - Essay question

Switching to an economy based on electric vehicles has become a popular topic of discussion. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a transition? Provide relevant examples to support your arguments.

Model Answer

The transition to an economy centered around electric vehicles (EVs) has gained significant attention. While this shift offers numerous environmental and economic benefits, it also presents certain challenges that should be addressed for a smooth transition.

One of the primary advantages of adopting EVs is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike conventional vehicles that rely on fossil fuels, EVs operate on electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. This shift can significantly lower air pollution and combat climate change. Moreover, EVs tend to have lower operating costs. They require less maintenance due to fewer moving parts and have lower fuel costs, benefiting both consumers and businesses. The adoption of EVs can also spur technological innovation and create new job opportunities in the renewable energy and automotive sectors.

However, there are notable disadvantages to consider. The initial cost of purchasing an EV is typically higher than that of a traditional gasoline-powered vehicle, which can be a deterrent for many potential buyers. Additionally, the current infrastructure for EVs, such as charging stations, is not as widespread or reliable as gas stations. This can create inconvenience for EV owners, particularly during long trips or in rural areas. Furthermore, the production of EV batteries involves the extraction of rare minerals, which can have environmental and ethical implications. There are also concerns about the disposal and recycling of these batteries, which could pose environmental risks if not managed properly.

In conclusion, while transitioning to an EV-based economy can offer significant environmental and economic advantages, it also poses challenges related to cost, infrastructure, and resource extraction. Policymakers and stakeholders must address these issues through subsidies, infrastructure development, and sustainable practices to ensure a smooth and sustainable transition.

290 words

Analysis and Guidelines for the Essay on Electric Vehicles

In this section of the analysis, below you will see each line from each paragraph repeated in italics. The line immediately underneath in bold is the explanation and rationale of that particular line above (identified by the finger pointing upwards ☝️)


The transition to an economy centered around electric vehicles (EVs) has garnered significant attention.

Paraphrase the essay topic. ☝️

While this shift offers numerous environmental and economic benefits, it also presents challenges that must be addressed.

Write a clear distinction of both sides of the question☝️


Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages):

One of the primary advantages of adopting EVs is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end☝️

Unlike conventional vehicles that rely on fossil fuels, EVs operate on electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

Explain your main idea. ☝️

This shift can significantly lower air pollution and combat climate change.

Develop your main ideaa with specific or hypothetical examples. ☝️

Moreover, EVs tend to have lower operating costs.

Keep developing it fully. ☝️

They require less maintenance due to fewer moving parts and have lower fuel costs, benefiting both consumers and businesses.

Add examples to support the detail. ☝️

The adoption of EVs can also spur technological innovation and create new job opportunities in the renewable energy and automotive sectors.

Add more detail for a comprehensive and conclusive explanation. ☝️


Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages):

However, there are notable disadvantages to consider.

Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end. ☝️

The initial cost of purchasing an EV is typically higher than that of a traditional gasoline-powered vehicle, which can deter potential buyers.

Explain your new main idea. ☝️

Additionally, the current infrastructure for EVs, such as charging stations, is not as widespread or reliable as gas stations.

Include specific details and examples☝️

This can create inconvenience for EV owners, particularly during long trips or in rural areas.

Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically. ☝️

Furthermore, the production of EV batteries involves the extraction of rare minerals, which can have environmental and ethical implications.

Keep developing the idea with more detail. ☝️

For example, there are also concerns about the disposal and recycling of these batteries, which could pose environmental risks if not managed properly.

Provide additional relevant information as examples. ☝️



In conclusion, while transitioning to an EV-based economy can offer significant environmental and economic advantages, it also poses challenges related to cost, infrastructure, and resource extraction.

Summarize your main ideas. ☝️

Policymakers and stakeholders must address these issues through subsidies, infrastructure development, and sustainable practices to ensure a smooth and sustainable transition.

Include a final thought to round off your conclusion. ☝️


Vocabulary Practice

Learn the synonyms words in bold below mean. Try to think of an antonym. Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below:

transition to an economy - shift to a system

centered around - focused on

garnered significant attention - attracted a lot of interest

environmental benefits - advantages for the environment

economic benefits - advantages for the economy

challenges that must be addressed - problems that need to be solved

greenhouse gas emissions - release of gases that contribute to global warming

conventional vehicles - traditional cars

fossil fuels - natural fuels such as coal or gas

renewable sources - energy from sources that are not depleted

lower air pollution - reduce the contamination of the atmosphere

combat climate change - fight against changes in the global climate

lower operating costs - reduced expenses for running something

require less maintenance - need fewer repairs and upkeep

spur technological innovation - encourage new technological developments

create new job opportunities - generate new employment options

initial cost - the upfront price

deter potential buyers - discourage possible customers

current infrastructure - existing facilities and systems

widespread or reliable - extensively available and dependable

create inconvenience - cause trouble or difficulty

production of EV batteries - manufacturing of electric vehicle batteries

extraction of rare minerals - mining of uncommon natural resources

environmental and ethical implications - consequences for the environment and moral concerns

disposal and recycling - getting rid of and reusing materials

pose environmental risks - present dangers to the environment

managed properly - handled correctly


Pronunciation Practice

Practice saying the vocabulary below, record your voice on your phone and then compare it using Google voice search. Does Google find the phrase if you speak it? How many does it find out of 20 using your pronunciation?

  1. transition to an economy - /trænˈzɪʃən tuː ən ɪˈkɒnəmi/
  2. centered around - /ˈsɛntərd əˈraʊnd/
  3. garnered significant attention - /ˈɡɑːrnərd sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt əˈtɛnʃən/
  4. environmental benefits - /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl ˈbɛnɪfɪts/
  5. economic benefits - /ˌiːˈnɒmɪˈbɛnɪfɪts/
  6. greenhouse gas emissions - /ˈɡriːnhaʊɡæɪˈmɪʃənz/
  7. conventional vehicles - /kənˈvɛnʃənəl ˈviːɪkəlz/
  8. fossil fuels - /ˈfɒsəl fjʊəlz/
  9. renewable sources - /rɪˈnjuːəbəl sɔːrsɪz/
  10. combat climate change - /ˈkɒmbæt ˈklaɪmət ʧeɪndʒ/ow
  11. require less maintenance - /rɪˈkwaɪər lɛs ˈmeɪntənəns/
  12. spur technological innovation - /spɜːˌtɛknəˈlɒʤɪkəl ˌɪˈveɪʃən/
  13. initial cost - /ɪˈnɪʃəl kɒst/
  14. deter potential buyers - /dɪˈtɜːr pəˈtɛnʃəl ˈbaɪərz/
  15. create inconvenience - /kriˈeɪˌɪnkənˈviːnjəns/
  16. production of EV batteries - /prəˈdʌkʃən ɒv iː-viː ˈbætəriz/
  17. extraction of rare minerals - /ɪkˈstrækʃən ɒv rɛər ˈmɪnərəlz/
  18. environmental and ethical implications - /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl ænd ˈɛθɪkəl ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz/
  19. disposal and recycling - /dɪˈspəʊzəl ænd riːˈsaɪklɪŋ/
  20. managed properly - /ˈmænɪʤˈprɒpərli/

Vocabulary Practice

To help with memory, I suggest using a pencil and paper. Write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook.

The ________________ to an economy centered around ________________ vehicles (EVs) has garnered significant attention. While this shift offers numerous ________________ and ________________ benefits, it also presents challenges that must be addressed.

One of the primary advantages of adopting EVs is the reduction in ________________ gas emissions. Unlike ________________ vehicles that rely on ________________ fuels, EVs operate on electricity, which can be generated from ________________ sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. This shift can significantly lower air ________________ and combat climate change. Moreover, EVs tend to have lower operating ________________. They require less ________________ due to fewer moving parts and have lower fuel costs, benefiting both consumers and businesses.

However, there are notable ________________ to consider. The initial cost of purchasing an EV is typically higher than that of a ________________ gasoline-powered vehicle, which can ________________ potential buyers. Additionally, the current infrastructure for EVs, such as charging stations, is not as ________________ or ________________ as gas stations. This can create inconvenience for EV owners, particularly during long trips or in rural areas. Furthermore, the production of EV ________________ involves the extraction of rare ________________, which can have environmental and ethical implications. There are also concerns about the ________________ and recycling of these batteries, which could pose environmental risks if not managed properly.

In conclusion, while ________________ to an EV-based economy can offer significant environmental and ________________ advantages, it also poses challenges ________________ to cost, infrastructure, and resource ________________. Policymakers and stakeholders must address these issues through subsidies, ________________ development, and sustainable practices to ensure a smooth and ________________ transition.



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Michael Lang

Article by Michael Lang

Published 23 Jun 2024