Detailed focus on IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Discussing Remote Working vs. Office working and giving an opinion - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

Detailed focus on IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis: Discussing Remote Working vs. Office working and giving an opinion - 30 - 40 min read ⏰

Below is a standard IELTS Writing Task 2 question. Among the five main types of essays in Writing Section 2, the essay format where both sides of an issue are discussed, followed by the author's opinion, is particularly common in the Academic module. This essay structure requires examining both advantages and disadvantages before offering a personal perspective. The model answer provided serves as an example of a high-scoring response, typically achieving band scores of 8 to 9. Later in the blog, we'll conduct a detailed analysis that breaks down the essay into its components. Towards the end, there will be a focus on expanding your lexical resource, along with an exercise to practice incorporating new vocabulary effectively.

Essay question

Some believe that remote work offers more flexibility and productivity. Others argue that working from the office provides better collaboration and discipline. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer

The debate between remote work and office-based employment highlights contrasting advantages and challenges in today's evolving work environments. While both options offer unique benefits, I firmly believe that remote working provides a more flexible and productive approach to modern professional life.

Remote work revolutionizes work dynamics by offering unprecedented flexibility and autonomy. Employees can optimize productivity by tailoring their schedules, leading to enhanced work-life balance and job satisfaction. Moreover, remote work reduces commuting stress and lowers overhead costs for employers. However, challenges such as potential isolation and difficulty in maintaining work-life boundaries need careful consideration.

In contrast, traditional office environments promote collaboration and teamwork through face-to-face interactions. Being physically present in an office fosters spontaneous discussions and a professional atmosphere conducive to productivity. On the other hand, commuting challenges and rigid schedules may restrict flexibility and work-life integration.

Despite the merits of office work, remote working offers a versatile and efficient solution to contemporary work challenges. The ability to work from any location empowers individuals to manage their schedules effectively, maximizing productivity without the constraints of traditional office settings. As technology advances, remote work emerges as a preferred choice for organizations seeking agility and cost-efficiency in a globalized economy.

In conclusion, while both remote work and office work have their advantages, the flexibility and productivity gains associated with remote working outweigh the benefits of office-based employment for many professionals. Embracing remote work not only enhances individual performance and job satisfaction but also positions businesses to thrive in a competitive global marketplace, talent, and ultimately leads to greater overall satisfaction and success in the workplace.

Analysis and Guidelines for the Essay on Remote vs. Office Working


Paraphrase the essay topic.

The essay begins by acknowledging the ongoing debate between remote work and office-based employment in modern work environments. It sets the stage for discussing the advantages and challenges associated with both options.

Topic Sentence: The introduction broadly introduces the topic of remote work versus office-based employment.☝️

While both options offer unique benefits, the author firmly believes that remote working provides a more flexible and productive approach to modern professional life.

Opinion of author clearly stated:☝️


Body Paragraph 1: Advantages of Remote Working

Remote work revolutionizes work dynamics by offering unprecedented flexibility and autonomy.

Topic Sentence: Introduces the main idea of how remote work provides flexibility and autonomy.☝️

Employees can optimize productivity by tailoring their schedules, leading to enhanced work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Explanation of Main Idea: Expands on how flexible schedules contribute to improved work-life balance and job satisfaction.☝️

Moreover, remote work reduces commuting stress and lowers overhead costs for employers.

Supporting Detail: Provides additional benefits of remote work, such as stress reduction and cost savings for employers. ️☝️

However, challenges such as potential isolation and difficulty in maintaining work-life boundaries need careful consideration.

Counterpoint: Acknowledges potential challenges associated with remote work.☝️ 


Body Paragraph 2: Advantages of Office Working

In contrast, traditional office environments promote collaboration and teamwork through face-to-face interactions.

Topic Sentence: Introduces the main idea of how office work fosters collaboration through face-to-face interactions. ☝️

Being physically present in an office fosters spontaneous discussions and a professional atmosphere conducive to productivity.

Explanation of Main Idea: Elaborates on the benefits of face-to-face interactions for productivity and professional atmosphere. ☝️

On the other hand, commuting challenges and rigid schedules may restrict flexibility and work-life integration.

Counterpoint: Highlights challenges associated with office work, such as commuting issues and rigid schedules. ☝️


Body Paragraph 3: Overall Preference for Remote Working

Despite the merits of office work, remote working offers a versatile and efficient solution to contemporary work challenges.

Topic Sentence: States the overall preference for remote work based on its versatility and efficiency. ☝️

The ability to work from any location empowers individuals to manage their schedules effectively, maximizing productivity without the constraints of traditional office settings.

Explanation of Main Idea: Discusses how remote work enables productivity and flexibility from any location. ☝️

As technology advances, remote work emerges as a preferred choice for organizations seeking agility and cost-efficiency in a globalized economy.

Comprehensive Explanation: Explores the broader implications of remote work in a globalized economy. ☝️



In conclusion, while both remote work and office work have their advantages, the flexibility and productivity gains associated with remote working outweigh the benefits of office-based employment for many professionals.

Summary of Main Ideas: Summarizes the key points discussed in the essay, emphasizing the advantages of remote work over traditional office setups. ☝️

Embracing remote work not only enhances individual performance and job satisfaction but also positions businesses to thrive in a competitive global marketplace, ultimately leading to greater overall satisfaction and success in the workplace.

Final Thought: Concludes with a forward-looking statement on the transformative impact of remote work on individuals and organizations. ☝️


Overall Analysis:

  • Structure and Coherence: The essay is structured logically with clear topic sentences introducing each paragraph's main ideas. It maintains coherence by exploring both sides of the remote work versus office work debate.
  • Supporting Details: Specific examples and details (e.g., reduced commuting stress, enhanced collaboration) are used effectively to support arguments throughout the essay, enhancing credibility and clarity.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and reinforces the author's preference for remote working based on discussed advantages and strategic considerations.

Overall, the essay effectively argues for remote working as a more flexible and productive approach in modern professional life, presenting a balanced view with well-developed arguments and clear organization.


Vocabulary Practice

Learn the words below in bold and what their synonyms below mean. Try to think of an antonym. Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below:

  1. Flexibility - Ability to adapt or change easily. Synonyms: adaptability, versatility.
  2. Autonomy - Independence or self-governance. Synonyms: independence, self-reliance.
  3. Productivity - Efficiency in producing results. Synonyms: efficiency, output.
  4. Optimize - To make the best use of something. Synonyms: maximize, improve.
  5. Work-life balance - Harmony between one's professional and personal life. Synonyms: harmony, equilibrium.
  6. Job satisfaction - Contentment or fulfillment derived from one's work. Synonyms: fulfillment, contentment.
  7. Overhead costs - Business expenses not directly tied to production. Synonyms: operating costs, expenses.
  8. Isolation - State of being separated from others. Synonyms: loneliness, solitude.
  9. Maintain - To keep in a particular state. Synonyms: preserve, uphold.
  10. Collaboration - Working together to achieve a common goal. Synonyms: cooperation, teamwork.
  11. Face-to-face - In-person interaction. Synonyms: personal, direct.
  12. Spontaneous - Happening naturally without planning. Synonyms: impromptu, unplanned.
  13. Conducive - Tending to promote or assist. Synonyms: favorable, advantageous.
  14. Integration - Incorporation or combination into a unified whole. Synonyms: assimilation, amalgamation.
  15. Versatile - Able to adapt or be used for various purposes. Synonyms: adaptable, flexible.
  16. Efficient - Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort. Synonyms: effective, proficient.
  17. Agility - Ability to move quickly and easily. Synonyms: nimbleness, responsiveness.
  18. Cost-efficiency - Achieving maximum output with minimum expenditure. Synonyms: cost-effectiveness, economical.
  19. Globalized - Involving the whole world rather than just one country. Synonyms: international, worldwide.
  20. Transformative - Causing a significant change or improvement. Synonyms: revolutionary, influential.


Pronunciation Practice

Practice saying the vocabulary below, record your voice on your phone and then compare it using Google voice search. Does Google find the phrase if you speak it? How many does it find out of 20 using your pronunciation

  1. Flexibility - /flɛksəˈbɪlɪti/ (FLEK-suh-BIL-i-tee)
  2. Autonomy - /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/ (aw-TAHN-uh-mee)
  3. Productivity - /prɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti/ (pruh-duhk-TIV-i-tee)
  4. Optimize - /ˈɒptɪmaɪz/ (OP-tuh-mize)
  5. Work-life balance - /wɜːk-laɪf ˈbæləns/ (wurk-life BAL-uhns)
  6. Job satisfaction - /dʒɒb ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ (job SAT-is-FACK-shun)
  7. Overhead costs - /ˈəʊvəhɛd kɒsts/ (OH-ver-hed kosts)
  8. Isolation - /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ (eye-suh-LAY-shun)
  9. Maintain - /meɪnˈteɪn/ (mayn-TAYN)
  10. Collaboration - /kəlabəˈreɪʃən/ (kuh-lab-uh-RAY-shun)
  11. Face-to-face - /feɪs tʊ feɪs/ (fays too fays)
  12. Spontaneous - /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ (spahn-TAY-nee-us)
  13. Conducive - /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ (kuhn-DYOO-siv)
  14. Integration - /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən/ (in-tuh-GRAY-shun)
  15. Versatile - /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ (VUR-suh-tile)
  16. Efficient - /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ (ih-FISH-uhnt)
  17. Agility - /əˈdʒɪlɪti/ (uh-JIL-i-tee)
  18. Cost-efficiency - /kɒst-ˈɛfɪʃənsi/ (kost-EF-i-shun-see)
  19. Globalized - /ˈɡləʊbəlaɪzd/ (GLOH-buh-lized)
  20. Transformative - /trænsˈfɔːmətɪv/ (trans-FORM-uh-tiv)

These phonetic transcriptions help in understanding the pronunciation of each word or phrase, aiding in clear and accurate communication.


Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

The debate between remote work and office-based ______________highlights contrasting advantages and challenges in today's evolving work environments. While both options offer unique benefits, I firmly believe that remote working provides a more ­­­­­­­­___________ and productive approach to modern professional life.

Remote work ________________ work dynamics by offering unprecedented flexibility and ­­­­­­__________ Employees can optimize productivity by tailoring their schedules, leading to enhanced work-life balance and job satisfaction. Moreover, remote work reduces ___________ stress and lowers ______________ costs for employers. However, challenges such as potential ____________ and difficulty in maintaining work-life boundaries need careful consideration.

In contrast, traditional office environments promote ________________ and teamwork through face-to-face interactions. Being physically present in an office fosters ______________ discussions and a professional atmosphere conducive to _______________. On the other hand, commuting challenges and rigid schedules may restrict ____________ and work-life integration.

Despite the merits of office work, remote working offers a _____________ and _________ solution to contemporary work challenges. The ability to work from any location _____________ individuals to manage their schedules effectively, maximizing productivity without the ____________ of traditional office settings. As technology advances, remote work emerges as a preferred choice for organizations seeking __________and cost-efficiency in a ____________ economy.

In conclusion, while both remote work and office work have their advantages, the flexibility and __________________ gains associated with remote working outweigh the benefits of office-based employment for many _____________. Embracing remote work not only enhances individual performance and ­­­­­_________________ but also positions businesses to thrive in a competitive global marketplace, talent, and ultimately leads to greater overall satisfaction and success in the workplace

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Michael Lang

Article by Michael Lang

Published 25 Jun 2024